Industrial Training Platform

The ITP is currently ONLY for students of FOCS.

I have applied for a company not registered in the ITP platform. What should I do?

Please inform the company to read through this site and proceed to register.
Company Centre: ITP

You may email/inform them as follows:
As a procedure, all Computing and IT internship providers are required to be registered in the new ITP Online platform and go through verification and registration process. The Student Career Development Centre (SCDC), TAR UC has created a guide for the process in the site below.
Company Centre: ITP

You may email to once you've registered and they will approve the application once verified.

What is the process of internship for FOCS?

This depends on your supervisor and course taken. Usually, you would need to fill up the form and check whether your company is registered under the ITP.  Please chat with your supervisor on this.

I have problem registering myself in the ITP.

Please make sure there are no spaces and double check your details. If needed, refresh the page.

If there are still other enquiries, please contact SCDC ( or Ms Voo (