Open Day 

Welcome to TAR UMT! We are here to assist you in your career doubts and open up doors for your future pathway.

Career Guidance for Open Days
职业发展咨询 (开放日)

Career Guidance is a process of understanding, exploring and consultation that helps you to make better choices in terms of your future pathway. During open/info days, we provide one of the element in the process which is discovering your interest

Are you a people person, likes to connect to others, or someone who prefers to deal with equipment, machines? Are you detail-oriented or have alot of ideas? Find your answer through the interest profiler.

Please follow the below steps starting with registration. Your feedback means a lot to us. If you find the session helpful, a feedback will be he best way of saying thank you.

Step 1: Register

Your details are only for internal reference and will be kept private.

Step 2: Assessment

The RIASEC Assessment is a basic test to see what aspect you are interested in. You may do it online or on paper. (You may have done this in high school)

Step 3: Wait and Watch

Watch the video on interpreting the results while waiting for your turn. You can ask questions later.

Step 4: Consultation

After the session, leave a feedback!. It means a lot to us and the best way of saying a thank you. It will be short, I promise.

Discovering your potential occupation

Once you're done, you may also put in your scores in onet, one of the international career exploration website to see what you could be in the future.

There's a long way ahead, so we encourage you to go through the program outline in your interested programs. Just head to our official website here and choose the courses you're interested in, then click "program outline".

In the outline, see whether the subjects are suitable and interesting for you. Try to find thsoe that pique your interest.

It's important to ask yourself why you want to study what you want to get  a clearer picture.

Anyway, life is all about challenges! Sometimes, there's no perfect answer.

The RIASEC Model

Need a follow up? Contact us here

Contact our career advisors below!

Find out what courses are available and the program outline, prospects and more at our UMT website here!

If you want to have a more in-depth session/ have it during weekdays, please click here.