Career Guidance

Feeling unsure of what's your right choice of studies? 

Want to know more about future career prospects

Interested to know what are your strengths, interest and available choices?

Take an assessment and meet up with one of our Career Advisors

Career Advisory & Guidance

What to expect

Step up your career!

Complete an assessment for better understanding. RIASEC (assessment) will be used on default. For LPI, please consult one of our career advisors.

Step 2: Appointment

Book an appointment. If you already have one, please ensure you fill up your scores or details through the Personal Details form.

Step 3: Record

Record your details here so we can understand and follow up. Fill in this 3-minutes form after your assessment. Your data will be kept private.

Step 4: Consultation

After the session, leave a feedback! (and results if applicable). It means a lot to us. Schedule a follow up session if needed! Good Luck!

Over the years, we have ...

Clients' Feedback

"Very good counselling session that help me to know more about the course that I should study. Thank you very much." 

"Good experience. Through this session, I know my weakness that need to improve and what I need to do."

"The guidance was very friendly. The advice given was helpful for me. Her explanation was clear for me."

"Absolute amazing and indept review of what i might wanna become in the distant future."

"The consultants are very kind, friendly and helpful."

Know your options.

Get to know what you're getting into. Do your research, observe and expose yourself to different areas.

What's important before you choose a course?

One tip is to read the programme outline and other info on the TAR UMT program page. These subjects is what you would learn in your years in the university, which you can see if your interest match with the content you are going to learn.

Introducing Leonard Personality Inventory (LPI)

Leonard Personality Inventory is a tool that may help you gain self-awareness on behaviors, develop strategies, develop teamwork and attain emotional excellence. It is a personality assessment that will show you your needs and how you can work best using your strengths and weaknesses. Learn more about LPI here.

As there is RIASEC and LPI, which assessment should I take?

RIASEC is usually the faster option. RIASEC helps you understand your interests and suitable pathways for reference. If you're looking for a quick understanding about you, your major or future career, RIASEC is for you, and it is accessible right from your phone/laptop. 

LPI is an integrated personality assessment which helps you understand your traits better. It is a more in-depth understanding about yourself and your strengths. If you want to go through an analysis of yourself, discover more through LPI, but you would need to have a booking in advance as we would need some processing time for it.

The usual assessment used would be RIASEC.

"It's not the years in your life that count; It's the life in your years."
- Abraham Lincoln